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Showing posts from January, 2019

Top 5 News Sources

With so much going on in the world and in this country, it's important to stay up-to-date and in the know on all things "news." Making sure that the news we're receiving is as unbias as possible is a huge part of staying properly informed. In order to share the ways in which I stay up-to-date, I've included my top 5 news sources below. 1.) The Skimm The Skimm, is a perhaps less popular news source that comes with a wealth of information. It provides you with a daily morning summary of everything you need to know once you sign up. This allows you to start your day with relevant and timely updates on everything happening in the world. 2.) Buzzfeed Buzzfeed, being tailored to a younger demographic, often offers a different spin or viewpoint on things happening here and now. While it may not always be unbias, it does allow for younger people to start conversations and be aware of what is trending and being talked about. It's also a very interactive source,