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Showing posts from April, 2019

Why Instagram is Revolutionary

Social media, over the past few years, has spread like wildfire. There are more social media apps than we know what to do with and more ways to connect with others than we can count. The platform that seems to be steadily at the top of the social media game, however, is Instagram. Using Everett Rogers' theory of Diffusion of Innovations, it's possible to take a closer look at why Instagram is the powerhouse it is. Facebook was the first platform to really make it easy for communities to connect online. Instagram allowed for similar features but, since being taken over by Facebook, they've come to allow many more communication features. Instagram allows people to follow others and post pictures of what's going on in their lives. The pictures make more of a statement than a status update and it really sets Instagram apart. It's gotten so popular because of its ability to connect others from halfway around the world and its ability to inspire creativity. The younge

When in doubt, Google it out

In order to find out more about myself and what exactly strangers could find out about me, I did the same thing I would do for any other subject: I Googled it. After googling my name, I realized I may need to adjust some of my social media privacy settings. Being a Communications major interested in working in the world of social media, I have many personal accounts. Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest, Wattpad, and Twitter take up a good deal of my time, not only because I post to my own feeds, but because I manage third-party accounts as well. After my Google search, I realized there's a mix of public information and information I've put out there myself. We've got the basics like who my parents are, my sister's name, and my hometown, and then, due to social media, we delve a bit deeper. I'm a resident assistant at HPU, I'm a sister of Phi Mu Fraternity, my middle name is Kay, and Bennett Harris took my senior pictures in high school